
So, What's Next? Is That Working for You?

Greg Jennings Jersey, No doubt about it: Job loss affects every aspect of your life whether you are an athlete or the family. Ranging from financial to social to physical to emotional. A job loss hurts!\" My job was my future, so, what\'s next after the NFL, NBA, MLB or NHL... I was used to being a superstar stud!, \"That was my identity! Now what do I do\"

Your feelings can get in the way. In fact, dealing with your emotional response to be waived from the team (unemployed) is just as important as looking for your next career passion. You don\'t sleep very well, you don\'t feel like seeing anyone and you feel like a loser. All of these feelings are in direct contradiction of what you need to do to find your next job and Greg Jennings Jersey THRIVE INTO YOUR NEW LIFE!

Your Self-Esteem: You will think that you are \"Not good enough\" or \"Just about useless now\"...Really? You were never just a number on your sports jersey; you are also a parent, spouse, coach, community volunteer and a leader that many people look up to for guidance and support.

Make plans for your future.

Do you want to do the same work you\'ve been doing?No, I think I should be doing something else?

You\'ve Greg Jennings Jersey got a chance to think, do you want to start your own business? It\'s HARD.

You\'ve got some research to do. Do the legwork, make the calls and be certain.

Make an inventory of your resources... many ways Greg Jennings Jersey to find a job.

Social networking? What are you saying to your potential employers, with your Tweets, Facebook posts and LinkedIn profile? What does your brand look like? Do you have a Brand plan? Greg Jennings recent Twitter motto is about his brand.

So what is next? You have your research done. You will need a plan for finding a job. Get your resume together first. Find out what kind of work you want to be doing. Target those employees that best fit your skills and needs. Practice your interview skills. Then make the calls to the potential employers and be certain about your skills.

Ask yourself, \"What can I do to make this employer profitable?\" Then tell the employers, sell yourself. Just like your sold your skills on the sports field every play, every day.

Once you start looking at all the positives you have done with your previous sports career you can move on to your next THRIVING career. Let\'s get to work and start practicing for your future.

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